Seminar/Proseminar Special Topics in Continuous Optimization and Optimal Control
WS 2017/2018
Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Kostina
- Sie finden alle Unterlagen zum Seminar hier.
Date | Who? | Topic |
07.11. | L.D. | Quasi-Newton-Methods |
14.11 | B.B. | Inexact Newton Methods |
21.11 | T.W. | Iterative Methods |
28.11. | T.H. | Chapter 5.1 and 5.2 |
05.12. | J.X. | Chapter 5.3 and 5.4 |
12.12. | F.S. | Chapter 5.5 and 5.6 |
19.12. | A.M. | Chapter 6 (1) |
09.01. | S.K. | Chapter 6 (2) |
16.01. | T.R. | Chapter 7 (1) |