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Third-Party Funding
Verbundprojekt "GOSSIP: Nichtlineare gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimierung und Optimale Steuerung
stark gekoppelter Industrieprozesse" (BMBF-Programm "Mathematik fuer Innovationen in Industrie und Dienstleistungen")
Verbundprojekt "PARAPLUE: PARAmeterschaetzung und Optimale VersuchsPLanung fur nichtlineare
instationaere Prozesse der Industrie unter Unsicherheiten und Echtzeitbedingungen" (BMBF-Programm
"Mathematik fuer Innovationen in Industrie und Dienstleistungen")
Verbundprojekt "NOVOEXP:
Numerische Optimierungsverfahren fuer
die Parameterschaetzung und den Entwurf optimaler Experimente
unter Beruecksichtigung von Unsicherheiten
fuer die Modellvalidierung verfahrenstechnischer Prozesse der
Chemie und Biotechnologie" (BMBF-Programm
"Mathematik fuer Innovationen in Industrie und Dienstleistungen"
"Towards Optimum Experimental Design for Partial Differential
Equations" (DFG-SPP 1253 "Optimisation with Partial Differential Equations")
"Sensitivitaetsanalyse, Parameterbestimmung und
Modellvalidierung fuer komplexe biologische Prozesse" (LOEWE-Zentrum "Synthetische Mikrobiologie")
- Methods for Identification of Stability Parameters of Enzymes
and Design of Optimal Experiments (with Degussa-Huels)
- Numerical Methods for Non-Standard Problems of Optimal Control in Chemical Engineering
and Biotechnology (with BASF)
- Modelling, Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Estimation of the Dynamics of an Industrial
Production Process (with German Bayer)
- Globally Convergent Gauss-Newton Method for Determination
of Strongly Disturbed Injection Orbits (under the contract of European Space Operations
- Mathematical Methods for Robot Calibration under Model Uncertainties
(with Battenberg ROBOTIC)
- Direct Optimal Control Methods for a Centralized
Approach to Separation Management
(with DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH)
- Structure and Parameter Identification and Design of Optimal Experiments
for Metabolic Networks in Cells (Priority Research Programme of the State
Baden-Wuerttemberg "Methods for Modelling and Diagnostics of Bio-systems")
- Optimal Control of Periodic Adsorption Processes via a Reduced
Newton-Picard Scheme (in DFG-Priority Research Programme 1253 "Optimization
with Partial Differential Equations")
- Robust Optimum Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation
in Transport-Reaction Models for Soil Column Experiments (in DFG Collaborative
Research Center (SFB) 359)
- Nonlinear Modelling and Parameter Estimation for Fokker-
Planck-Equation with Application to Simulation and Forecasting of Exchange Rates
(with S. Jaeger, BASF)
Optimal Control of Population Dynamics Models for AIDS Prevention
(with V. Veliov, Institute for Business Mathematics, TU Vienna)
Self-Organization of Min Proteins in E. Coli (with B. Eckhardt, J. Herwig, U Marburg)
Modeling of Reversals of Myxococcus Xanthus (with
L. Sogaard-Andersen, P. Lenz, S. Dahlke, A.Herzog, U Marburg)
Modeling of Molecular Mechanisms and Benefits Driving Phenotypic Heterogeneity of
Isogenic Sinorhizobium Meliloti Populations (with A. Becker, U Marburg, P. Pfaffelhuber, U Freiburg)
- Mathematische Modellierung und Modelvalidierung fuer biomechanische Modelle
der Blutgefaesse (with Ch. Blase, A. Wittek, U Frankfurt)
- Mathematische Modellierung und Modelvalidierung fuer aerodynamische Modelle (with
L. Walter, French-German Research Institute of Saint-Louis)